Celebrate Constitution Day with a Spotlight on Voter Rights and Electoral Advocacy

For this election year’s Constitution Day (September 17), I’ve put together a library guide to help support U.S. Constitution education as well as voter rights and electoral advocacy. 
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I hope you’ll take a moment tomorrow (or sometime soon) to consider voter rights and the millions of Americans that have been intentionally and systematically kept out of the electoral process. 
These “low-propensity” voters—many of whom are people of color, younger, and from lower income brackets—face undue obstacles to voting. And now, in the midst of a global pandemic, the added health risk of voting in person makes for a devastating set of barriers to participation for these individuals.

There is hope that these people will vote
 at higher rates if we help make doing so more accessible for them. Please explore some of the resources on the library guide and beyond, if you are interested in this topic (and, I’m still collecting resources, if you’d like to send me additional links to share). 
~Librarian Ellen